This past Saturday, ABCD Board Director Austin Chudyk and volunteer Devin Scotch took part in judging the Future City competition held at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Kenmore, NY and awarded one team our ABCD "Best Bridge Design" award. Several teams of grade-schoolers included bridges as a part of their ideal "future city" and integrated into their conceptual designs several real-life innovative features (along with possible creative future technologies).
This year's overarching challenge was "Floating City", requiring teams to devise structures that would withstand a scenario with a significant rise in sea level. Several teams explored the use of floating bridges (much like the Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge in Seattle). One team even decided to eliminate the need for bridges in their future city; they sectioned their city into a series of individual floating platforms and were concerned over complications that would arise from differential movement between those platforms (now THAT'S a valid engineering concern)!
Great job to all who participated (it was hard to narrow down the winner)! If you are interested in helping volunteer for this event next year, let us know!